Friday, 20 January 2012

The Butterfly Lion

In Year 4 we have been reading 'The Butterfly Lion' by Michael Morpurgo, it's a fantastic story.  This week we have had a go at predicting what will happen next in a chapter and writing our own version.  We started our writing as a class shared write and then moved on to writing independently.  What you think of the shared writes from 4JS and 4MB.  Give us your feedback in the comments box, what makes it effective and where could we improve it?

4JS Shared write

There were always army lorries rumbling though the village, so it was not difficult to hitch a ride.  We left the wheelchair behind in the café.  Bertie said it would only get in the way, that he could manage well enough with his stick.

The journey felt like it took forever, we were both feeling anxious and terrified at the possibility of not finding the White Lion.  Bertie fiddled with his walking stick for the entire ride.  Finally, Bertie and I felt the lorry halt, we hobbled out the back carefully.

With anticipation we both stared at the house, hoping that we would see Bertie’s childhood friend.  Monsieur Merlot’s house was big and old.  It sat next to a murky river and an old decaying stone bridge.  We walked towards the large wooden door at the front of the house.  Ivy covered the walls, it looked abandoned.

Bertie’s hand was trembling as he knocked the door, we waited in silence.

4MB Shared write

When Bertie pushed gently at the door, it opened. Eerily, there was no sound, no movement – only a space filled with pitch blackness.  Floor boards creaked underneath our first foot step as we entered the darkness.  As the speckled dots began to disappear from my eyes, I noticed Bertie’s figure creeping towards a windy, wooden staircase. 


  1. Some fine descriptive writing here. Words like "murky", "anticipation" and "speckled" are not normally used by Y4 children. Advanced vocabulary such as this shows that Y4 has intelligent children who read a lot. Please keep on trying with adventurous use of language in this way.

    Next step: please reconsider your use of commas. I would prefer three of them to be full stops and another one to be semi-colon.

    Great learning blog - keep up the good work.

    Mr C

    1. My favourite paragraph in the 4JS script is the third one, because there are lots of adjectives describing the bridge,door and walls. This enabled me to build a picture of the setting in my mind. I wonder whether it would be possible to use more describing words at the beginning of the story, to help bring the cafe and lorries to life?

      I love the way you have created a cliffhanger in the last paragraph: "we waited in silence",leaving the reader wanting more.

      I think that the descriptive words that are used in the 4MB script are really effective in creating a picture in the reader's mind. I love the use of the word 'eerily', which conveys a sense of 'spookiness'.

      I am not sure about the punctuation and it would be helpful if Mr C would clarify when to use colons and semi-colons, as I am sure that I cannot be the only parent who finds it a bit confusing, as my grammar lessons were a long time ago!

      Fantastic writing, I have really enjoyed having the opportunity to share in your learning.

      Helene Gibson

  2. Bertie and Mille went to the french mans house and then they sore the butterfly lion grown up.I liked that part becaues it had lovely discripshon. the story was by

    micheal mupcorgo

    by said 4js

  3. I'm really impressed with 4MB's Shared Write we worked our socks off like a Mrs Mac Star!
    by Excellent Eve.

    This is from my Mum:

    Wow! What a terrific Shared Write. Full to the brim of description that has created a brilliantly spooky atmosphere. I especially like the sentence that starts 'Eerily'. Beginning with an adverb makes it really interesting straight away.

    Well done 4MB.
    Anna (Eve's Mum)

  4. I'm really proud of my class for writing a brilliant piece
    of work
    by Ella.s

  5. I super duper liked the Butterfly lion when we were doing the shared write i really found it interesting. When we used those amazing adverbs,adjectives and verbs i felt like i was right there in the story and the same goes to 4JS ad i am proud of year 4's shared write.

  6. That was the best book ever my mum likes it as well.

