Tuesday, 13 March 2012


In Year 4 we have been writing poems using similes and metaphors.  Here is a poem we wrote together, we have used metaphors to describe an aeroplane.


The aeroplane is swooping, gliding and magnificent,
Beautifully elegant in the air.
It's wings flap and turn.
It's glistening eyes search and sparkle
In the dark.
The aeroplane's body is plump,
It's feathers are colourful and smooth.
The chirping fills the calm air,
It's excitment travles quickly.

What do you think we have compared the aeroplane to?  What simile can you think of to describe an aeroplane?


  1. I like the part when it say's...BEAUTIFULLY ELEGANT IN THE AIR!:):)

    My simile is,the aeroplane glides swiftly through the air like an enourmas Eagle, spreading its wings!!

    BY inteligent Khadijah:):):):):):):):)

  2. I think what you are comparing to is an owl or a bird but 4JS i have got to admit that is one of the best of a poem using similes and metaphors if i were in 4JS i will give my class 10/10. Fabulous Chizzy $$$$$$$$$$$$$
